So like the title states, Im new to this. I’ve never blogged or publicly spoken about myself, my daily life, health struggles and the ups and downs before… I dont even know if what i have to say is interesting 🤔 But I’ve seen lots of Mums use blogging as a way to vent and also spread awareness of how rewarding but also how incredibly, well lonely, hard and all consuming motherhood can be and I guess I just wanted to throw my own experience in the mix of the Blogger-verse with my own personal spin of being a Spoonie Mum.
Now if you know this term because you yourself are a Spoonie Mum, then Hey! And also…. Im sorry 😞 Not that your here, but that you know the struggle at all and If you have never heard of a spoonie before then you’re not alone.
Up until pretty recently, neither had I… So I did a little research only to find out that I am one! And many of you here (If anyone is even reading haha) you may be finding out right now, that you are a Spoonie too. So what is a Spoonie? And specifically a Spoonie Mum?…. Well its a Mum/person who lives their day to day life like all Mums but with a bit of a difference, Its the Mums who behind closed doors struggle with constant daily pain from a chronic illness or disease.
I’ll go a little more in depth on why people with chronic pain have been given the name Spoonie and even what ‘qualifies’ me as a Spoonie Mum in another blog but for now, I think I’ll end things here 😊 Thanks for reading,
A SpoonieFull